Columbia 13-14 Curette Universal Posterior 16g
The Columbia 13-14 curette universal posterioris designed for the removal of supragingival calculus for all tooth surfaces and the edge of the gum. Also used for the removal of filling and cement excesses.
What is the Columbia 13 14 used for?
Designed for the removal of moderate to heavy calculus from all supra- and subgingival tooth surfaces. These instruments remove moderate to heavy calculus from supra- and subgingival tooth surfaces. Put one of the cutting edges against the tooth.
What is a universal curette used for?
A universal curette is a double-ended instrument used for periodontal scaling, calculus debridement and root planing. The purpose of the universal curette is to remove small or medium size calculus deposits and can be used both supragingivally and subgingivally.
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